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  1. Submission: Each monograph, textbook, or professional book must be submitted through our editorial management platform. The proposals for edited books or conference proceedings should be sent to
  2. Peer-review: All our books and individual chapters from edited books are subjected to external peer review. We have highly prestigious editors who oversee the entire content evaluation process.
  3. Production: Our Publications Department oversees the book production process, covering services such as plagiarism check, cover design, typesetting, proofreading, formatting, interior design, ISBN and DOI assignment, and barcode generation. We do not cover copyediting, translation, or artwork services. For this, we recommend that you review our additional services for authors.
  4. Publication and distribution: Our books are published in open access and, depending on the discipline to which the book is oriented, we handle its indexing in multidisciplinary and specialized databases. As the books are indexed in the databases, our editorial team will make this information visible along with the book’s description on our portal. We collaborate with various libraries, bookstores, and content aggregators to distribute books with the broadest possible international reach.

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